Saturday, March 21, 2015

That's all, Folks.

Years. I've had this thing for years, and I'll be river dancing if I've used it more than twenty times.

I could claim I'm never using it again, but that wouldn't be true. But, given my (well proven) rather limited ability to generate this kind of content, it's time to move on.

Give up. Recognize one's limitations.

The towel, hat like
Flutters in the morning breeze
As it is thrown in

To end this farce.

I could go on, but that seems counter to the purpose.

Instead, I'm just going to go... to

Oh, I'm sure I'll pop in from time to time. No more regularly than before. But if I ever do manage to generate something, the new site has first dibs. I'm paying for that stuff, after all.