Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I lost track of what I was doing. I figured it all out last night, but for a while there I was tumbling aimless.

Since I didn't have a particular aim, I started developing the most difficult asset I need. This time I did it the "right" way, by figuring out where all of the pieces and parts have to go, and rigging the thing. That took two tries to get right. Not bad, considering I've never done anything like it before. 

Having done that, I'm back in familiar territory. Modeling an aircraft. I really wish I had more actual talent for these things. It's coming along well, and I think it will look pretty good when it is done, but it's also going to be pretty clear where the inspiration came from.

Oh well. If wishes were horses, we'd be inundated by horse shit. It's just well they aren't.

 I originally wanted to develop something much smaller, but it just didn't work out the way I wanted. Hardly a first. Pretty much everything I've ever done has ended up looking totally unlike the thing I was trying to create. Of course, like everything else, I wish I was already done with the bloody thing. I've got a lot left to figure out.

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